The event will be devided into 2 elements
We have been hosting the event to have one session per event but we decided to change that, because the event is not only for newbies but also more mature developer, and both of them should enjoy what the community has to offer. So future event will be consists of 2 elements. One is tutorial session for newbies and beginners.
Experienced Drupal developer will be tutoring what beginners do and all the question that they have will be resolved during the session. This tutorial session will be starting from following event, stay tuned!
Drupal Community Spotlight
"We run community in Japan but how the other community leader runs community in other regions?" "What kind of events are there and what type of people joins the event?" we basically had this kind of curiosity and ended up reaching out community leaders around the world. The very first community spotlight was West London Community. Chandeep, the community organizer kindly spent time with us and shared so much information and ideas. Please check out the video if you are interested.
London community diverse!!
According to Chandeep, it's been more than 10 years since Drupal community started in London. The scene in England is well awared and much bigger than the scene in Japan, that's why events like below is constantly hosted and it's beneficial for every stage of Drupaler.
- Learning Drupal for beginners
- Social/networking event for everybody
- Community events for those who love more interaction within small group
- Events that end user(Client) hosts. This way in-house developer share their trial and error and ideas
The more mature the market becomes, The more diverse the market needs. I think this is the benefit of community growth, everybody gets the right opportunity to grow as a community member.
One of the great thing about open source scene is that everybody can have easy access to connect with gloval community. Hope we can keep sharing great examples of other Drupal comunity and mutual growth.
Lastly, thank you so much for sharing your ideas Chandeep, it was really great one!
Drupal 初心者講座バックナンバー
- Drupal 9/10 初心者講座
- 第 1 回 歴史に見る Drupal の DNA
- 第 2 回 Drupal はフレームワークか?CMS か?他の CMS との比較
- 第 3 回 Drupal の特徴
- 第 4 回 Drupal 9 / 10 のインストール (1)
- 第 5 回 Drupal 9 / 10 のインストール (2)
- 第 6 回 Drupal にコンテンツを投稿してみる
- 第 7 回 Drupal のボキャブラリとタクソノミーの使い方
- 第 8 回 コンテンツ管理における Drupal と他の CMS との比較
- 第 9 回 Drupal のブロックシステム
- 第 10 回 Drupal の標準クエリビルダー Views の使い方
- 第 11 回 Drupal と他の CMS のクエリビルダー機能を比較
- 第 12 回 Drupal の多言語機能と他の CMS やサービスとの比較
- 第 13 回 Drupal の権限設定と WordPress や Movable Type との比較
- 第 14 回 Drupal のテーマシステムについて
- 第 15 回 Drupal の拡張モジュールの選定と使い方
- 第 16 回 Drupal をもっと知りたい方に向けた各種情報